Privacy Policy

Developer info

Our country: Russia.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please mail us:

Data collection

Our apps use Google Play Billing and/or Google Play Games SDK, which may collect next types of data:
- Age
- App Store, App Version
- Country
- Device Brand, Model and Category
- First Open Time
- Gender
- Interests
- Language
- OS Version
- IP Address
- User product interactions, such as app launch, taps, and video views
- Diagnostic information, such as crash logs, app launch time, hang rate, and energy usage
- Android Advertising ID
All these data gets encrypted and transferred to Google AdMob.

Data processing

All collected data is used for analytics and advertising.

COPPA and GDPR requirements

Due to COPPA and GDPR, most of these data types will not be collected if user specified his age under 13 (for COPPA) or under 16 (for GDPR).

Developer access to data and data removing

As a developer, I don’t have any access to collected data, as it get transferred to Google AdMob.
Collected data can’t be removed directly. You can request AdMob to delete your data.